SETC Lending Library Catalog

Lending Library Adaptive Switches and Accessories>
    Switch Mounting>
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Hover Mount (S2310)

Description: The Hover Mounting System allows switch placement in any position. It consists of an adjustable arm attached to a one-piece clamp that tightens onto a table or wheelchair. Just flip the side lever and the joints of the arm glide into the position you need, then flip the lever back and the position becomes stationary. Arm length from clamp to switch is 20-1/2". Mounting system holds up to five pounds. Choices for mounting plates from our lending library include: small rectangle, large rectangle, small circular, small triangular and large triangular. Be sure to request which plate(s) you will need based on the type of switch you will be mounting.
Current Price: 320.00
Barcode: 2293