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Go Talk Express 32 (AC1660)

Description: GoTalk Express 32 is a full featured scanning device! Single switch access or step scan with 2 switches. Scanning Capabilities: Visual Cueing-four bright LED pipes surround the message keys Auditory Cueing-choose between a 1.5 second recorded cue or beeps of varying tones Scan Pattern-step, linear, or group scanning available Switch Access-single or double switch access with a switch debounce feature Number of Messages-scan 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 messages with a scan levels feature Scanning Adjustments-scan by row or column scan every other message choose fast, medium, or slow scanning speed make adjustments and see the effect immediately with the scan review feature.
Vendor: Attainment Company, Inc.
Model Number: GT-E32D
Current Price: 679.27
Barcode: 1136