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Maestro (AC1675)

Description: The multilingual and durable DynaVox Maestro is designed to meet a broad range of needs based on one�s age and ability. The hardware and software work seamlessly to ensure maximum flexibility, while providing structure and consistency in page layout and navigation. InterAACt page sets, available in multiple languages, encourage successful daily communication, as well as language and literacy development. Individuals can customize the Maestro by creating original pages, or can choose from the provided InterAACt page templates. DynaVox Series 5 Speaking Software is included on every Maestro, and is the complete software solution for individuals with communication disabilities. It provides dynamic page content that can be used with multiple access methods, and includes a series of comprehensive and powerful features that can be customized to suit users with varying needs and abilities. Series 5 Software on a standard (open) *device provides access to email, eBooks, environmental controls and other computer applications, making it the most functional software in the industry. Dimensions 8.5 x 10.6, 1.4 high. Weight 3.44 lbs. Nine hour extended battery life.
Vendor: Dynavox Technologies
Model Number: DynaVox Maestro
Current Price: 7564.40
Barcode: 1403